Christmas Cones Tutorial

DIY – Christmas Cones Tutorial

Here is a quick and fun tutorial to make some Christmas cones.  These cones were a tradition in my family growing up, and now that I’m older, I’m continuing the tradition with my own family.  I make one a year after the season is done in rememberence of the year.  You can fill them with treats or other goodies and hang them anywhere.  We usually put them on our tree. Enjoy!

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Classy Plaid Gathered Skirt Tutorial

DIY – The Classy Plaid Gathered Skirt Tutorial

Classy Plaid Gathered Skirt Tutorial Classy Plaid Gathered Skirt Tutorial Classy Plaid Gathered Skirt Tutorial Classy Plaid Gathered Skirt Tutorial

Today is a good day.  Today I finally begin my Christmas present to me! I’m going to make a classy plaid skirt that will *hopefully* be done in time for Christmas.  This will be a gathered skirt tutorial.  I’ve been wanting to make something plaid for the winter season.  In the back of my mind I kept thinking about this lovely skirt made by Gina Michelle and decided that it would be a classy winter look using some plaid fabric.

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diy bibs

DIY – Upcycle Towel into Toddler Bib

My one year old is exploring the wonderful world of food. Not only does he enjoy eating the food, but he likes to squish it in his fingers, run it through his hair, fling it from his spork, push it off his tray, and occasionally, put it behind his back.  Needless to say, mealtime is a very messy though enjoyable experience.

My son has a ton of bibs from when he was younger, but they are really meant for babies and don’t really stop the food from covering his clothes.  So I thought, DIY bibs, or more specifically, DIY toddler bibs!  We recently upgraded our towels so I decided to upcycle an old towel into a toddler bib just the right size for my little man.  Read on for my full DIY bibs tutorial…

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comfy sweatpants tutorial

DIY – The Comfy Sweatpants Tutorial

comfy sweatpants tutorial comfy sweatpants tutorial

Winter is coming, and I’m going to make a nice pair of comfortable sweatpants for my husband to lounge around the house in. These pants will have an elastic waistband, drawstring, inseam pockets, and cargo style patch pockets.  We’re looking for handy and comfort here.  So, without further ado, read on for my Comfy Sweatpants Tutorial!

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Beanie Hat Tutorial

DIY – Upcycle Sweater into Beanie Hat Tutorial

Sewing Daydreams - Upcycle Sweater into Beanie Hat Tutorial Sewing Daydreams - Upcycle Sweater into Beanie Hat Tutorial

I recently took an old sweater, cut it up, and repurposed it into a super cute skirt in my Upcycle Sweater to Skirt Tutorial.  Today, we’re going to cut up some more of that sweater and make a fun little slouchy beanie hat perfect for the upcoming cold weather.  Read on for my Upcycle Sweater into Beanie Hat Tutorial!

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