Sweater Dress to Shirt Refashion Tutorial
Hello all! Today we have a really quick and easy dress to shirt refashion. It should be straight forward. The only thing of concern is that I am refashioning a sweater dress. Fingers crossed everything doesn’t unravel!
So, I’m a mom and I’m older. As such, I tend to not wear styles as youthful as I once did. Especially since the only places I’m going to these days are the office, the kids’ school and daycare, and the grocery store. (Thank you pandemic!)
I have this sweater dress that I used to love to wear. However, the butt area is a bit too form fitting and short for me now. I’m self-conscious wearing it so I just don’t wear it anymore. I still like the way it fits, so I’m going to cut the skirt part off and turn it into a sweater shirt. Here we go!
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